Free Privacy and Security Resources

Vendor and Supply Chain Security Management

Generally all types of businesses today, from the one-person shop to the most complex multi-national 1-million+ employee corporations, rely on a complex, globally distributed and interconnected vendor, supply chain, and other types of third-party ecosystems that have geographically diverse routes, and consist of multiple levels of outsourcing. This third-party ecosystem is composed of public and private sector entities (e.g., acquirers, suppliers, developers, system integrators, external system service providers, and other ICT/OT-related service providers, etc.) and technologies, laws, physical components, operations, policies, procedures, and practices that interact to conduct research and development, design, manufacture, acquire, deliver, integrate operate and maintain, dispose, and otherwise utilize or manage the full digital ecosystem of products and services.

Vendor and supply chain security (VSCS), and privacy, management requires systematic processes for managing the full range of third-party risk exposures, threats, and vulnerabilities throughout the third-party ecosystem. To be successful, every organization needs to develop strategies to manage the security and privacy risks presented by all the organization’s third parties and their associated supplied products and services. Privacy & Security Brainiacs provides services and products to support this critical need.

Identity Verification Security

Privacy & Security Brainiacs provides services and products to support the critical need for all organizations to have identity verification processes for all activities where customers, consumers, patients, employees, and other entities, contact the organization requesting access to personal data.

Free eBooks

Privacy & Security Brainiacs is pleased to provide you with this selection of free, informative ebooks.

Remote Working Security and Privacy Resources

We want to provide information to help as many organizations as possible during these difficult times. Remote working and mobile computing bring a wide range of risks to businesses. On this part of our site we are providing policies and procedures, other types of tools and tips, along with news items to help you not only during the pandemic, but also for work from home and mobile computing activities after the pandemic is finished


Take a look through our selection of high-quality, high-resolution privacy and security infographics. Available in both png and pdf format, all at no cost.

Privacy Professor Radio

There are more information security and privacy threats than ever before. As more technologies emerge, more big data analytics are used, and more artificial intelligence systems are deployed, cybersecurity and privacy risks grow exponentially. Rebecca has spent her entire career working to improve information security and privacy protections, by not only raising awareness of the issues within businesses and other types of organizations, but also by raising the awareness of these risks in the public and helping them to understand how to better protect their own personal data, allowing them to take their privacy protections into their own hands. Rebecca offers you information about these existing and emerging security and privacy risks and provides fresh insights into the impacts of exploiting these risks, and gives guidance, tips, expert advice, news, with fascinating guests, to help all organizations, and the general public, understand what they need to do to mitigate these risks.

Free Documents

Privacy and Security Brainiacs has a wide variety of free documents to aid in compliance and the preservation of effective privacy and security practices.

Phone Phishing Recordings

Hundreds of thousands of people lose money to telephone scams each year. Here are just a few of the many scam calls that we have gotten in the past several years. These provide just a few examples of the types of calls that you may get.