Remote Working and Mobile Computing Device Information Security & Privacy Policies
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Word Document
By downloading the attached Word document you are indicating that you understand this is not a legal document, and you are agreeing to: 1) review with your organization’s own legal counsel as you determine necessary, 2) use the content for your own organization’s internal use, and 3) not share or sell the content, or derivatives of the content, to any other entity or entities. By clicking the download button you are agreeing to abide by and are legally bound to these terms and the CC licensing agreement.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
If you find value in what we provide, and can provide some type of payment for what we are providing, we, as a startup, would sincerely appreciate it. Any amount will be appreciated during this time of launching a new business that happened to be at the same time a pandemic struck the world.
Privacy Security Brainiacs is a brand new business, and we will be depending on income from our security and privacy services and products, such as security and privacy policies and procedures. However, during this time that is difficult, stressful and challenging to all, we want to help all organizations who have a need for remote working and mobile devices security and privacy policies.
During this time it is important for all sizes and types of organizations to have documented information security and privacy policies and procedures in place for work at home and mobile computing workers to follow. Why? For many reasons, a few of which include:
Such documented policies and procedures are required by growing numbers of laws and regulations.
Documented policies and procedures are also required within many different types of contracts businesses have with providers, business clients, and others.
Documented policies and procedures are required by many, possibly most, cyber liability insurance.
Providing documented policies and procedures will help to ensure all employees are following the required actions in a consistent manner.
Documented policies demonstrate due diligence to regulators, auditors, business partners, customers and the general public.
Documented policies and procedures can be used as defensible evidence for court actions.
Organizations with documented policies and procedures, that are consistently followed by their employees and contractors, experience fewer cyber security incidents and privacy breaches than those without such policies and procedures.
We are providing this remote working and mobile computing security and privacy policies document for free to single organizations to use for each of its own organization’s internal policies. If you would like to recommend to someone else that they could find value in downloading this resource, please point him/her to this page ( so he or she can then download directly from our site. This allows us to not only better understand, from the number of downloads, the topics that are of most interest to the population in general, but it also helps us to take our legal counsel’s advice to do so to better manage our intellectual property.
Do you have suggestions for edits to this document? Or suggestions for other sections or policy statements to add to this document? Or any other type of feedback about this document? Please send to:
Also, if you find value in what we provide, and can provide some type of payment for what we are providing, we, as a startup, would sincerely appreciate it. We are providing a way to take donations for our work products that we are giving to you. Any amount will be appreciated during this time of launching a new business that happened to be at the same time a pandemic struck the world. Thank you!